Sprinkler Repair & Troubleshooting

including irrigation repair & troubleshooting


One of the least known components of your home, if you're like the majority of people, is the sprinkler system in your backyard. You are aware that it needs to be maintained, but beyond from that, you most likely don't give it a second thought until there is an issue. When something goes wrong, it can cause some major headaches, especially if it occurs in the middle of the summer when all you want to do is unwind and take in the warm weather. But don't worry, this piece will explain everything you need to know about how lawn irrigation systems function, making it simpler than ever to remedy any issues that may arise in the future.

Your sprinklers are running too much or too little!

We understand that trying to identify the problem and carry out the required repairs on your own might easily leave you feeling overwhelmed. But don't worry, we've got you covered. Simply follow these instructions, and you'll quickly be back in business. Or call us!

The majority of individuals actually desire more information on how to fix their sprinklers themselves or where they may find professional assistance.

Without knowing the nature of the issue or how sprinkler systems function in general, troubleshooting can be challenging. Here are a few typical indications of irrigation issues:

  • The lawn or garden appears brown and dead in spots, but it doesn't look like you forgot to water for a few days.
  • Even when you water your lawn thoroughly, some areas of it seem too dry and others too wet.
  • You assume there is a problem with how much water is being delivered by your system's soaker hoses because your grass seems unusually tall in comparison to the yards of your neighbors, or because it has been growing more slowly than usual recently (or drip lines).

Maybe you figure your sprinkler is broken, or something is wrong with my timer.

Let us design the right irrigation system for your yard, or troubleshoot your sprinkler problems.

Start with the fundamentals of lawn sprinklers. You may already be aware that a sprinkler system consists of several pipes that are buried underground and linked to a timer. Each zone in your yard receives a separate time when the water is turned on and off by the timer. However, did you realize that there are three distinct categories of timers? There are manual timers, which use dials or digital buttons to set hours and minutes, programmable controllers, which allow you to set up multiple watering schedules throughout the week, and lawn irrigation control boxes, which have an electronic display and can be programmed to automatically run your sprinklers.

Troubleshooting an irrigation system

  • Maybe a zones isn't working properly?
  • What are some common problems with sprinkler systems?

We’re here to help you, so don’t hesitate to call Jamie at (541) 527-2562 in Redmond.

Let's take a moment to study how lawn irrigation systems function as well as the many components they have in order to better understand how to fix your sprinklers.

A lawn irrigation system is made up of a number of parts, including the water supply, the controller, the valves that control it, and the pipes that transport the water. You may program the controller to regulate your sprinklers' on and off times as well as how long each zone should operate during a cycle. The valves are immediately connected to the water source, which is typically a hose bib, exactly like an inside faucet would be. If something goes wrong, only one valve needs to be totally switched off.

All of these parts are connected by pipes, which can be either above ground PVC pipes for spray nozzles linked directly to the top of lawns, often known as lateral lines, or subterranean PVC pipes for drip systems.

All of these parts require regular inspection after installation since they can deteriorate over time and produce leaks in hoses and pipelines that go to the heads themselves, causing damage there as well before anybody notices.

There are three basic components in an irrigation system:

  • The controller (also known as the timer or clock)
  • The valves and pipes
  • The sprinkler heads

The Controller

In order to save you from having to keep track of when to run your sprinklers, the controller is designed to turn them on at specific times of the day and specific days of the week. It accomplishes this by obtaining signals from a clock or another gadget (such as a light sensor) that informs it of the time of day. Following that, it chooses which valves should be opened when (s). This section functions flawlessly when everything is running smoothly! But occasionally you have issues with yours because it no longer receives signals from external sources, perhaps because they are damaged or malfunctioning?

The Valves and Pipes

The switches that typically use electricity to turn on or off the water are called valves. And it is the pipes that distribute the water across the yard.

The Sprinkler Heads

Water is sprayed by sprinkler heads onto your lawn, bushes, and shrubs. They are available in a range of spray forms, ranges, and coverage. They may frequently be adjusted to rotate and spray an angular region.


If you have any questions about irrigation, call Jamie in Redmond at the number shown above or email us using the contact form below.
